Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lingering Effects of Hurricane Sandy

It is now nearly two (2) weeks since the east coast of U.S. has been hit by Hurricane Sandy. Simultaneously, there were two (2) other storm systems in the area including a Nor’easter which magnified the effects of “Superstorm Sandy” or as some have said “storm of a century”.

There were literally millions who lost power in the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. In addition, there were many without heat, no running water, severe flooding, downed trees, as well as other limitations such as poor cellphone coverage. The coastal areas were devastated. In addition, New Jersey followed by New York instituted gasoline rationing which brought back memories of the 1970’s during the infamous OPEC Oil Embargo. Night-time temperatures dropped below freezing and many had to survive in the cold chill and darkness of their homes otherwise proceed to shelters as a recourse.

During the entire period, first responders, non-profits, faith-based charities, selfless individuals, and others did what they could with whatever available resources on-hand. Federal, state, and local officials took action for which many individual victims have their own opinion on the suitable level of effort and response.

Looking back, there are still thousands without power, no running water, no heat, no gasoline, limited food and blankets, and the human suffering continues. At times like this, beyond rhetoric and promises, it is important for action to take precedence over words. In addition, heartfelt prayers can add tremendous value in uplifting the vast many individuals as they struggle through the lingering effects of Hurricane Sandy. It is often said that in order to truly understand and appreciate others suffering, one has to undergo the same and realize how it feels to be in the shoes of those who are distraught and thus have empathy for the plight of our fellow brothers and sisters.

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