Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wilma Rudolph – An Amazing Role Model

To date, much has been written, motion pictures made, commentaries given on Wilma Rudolph. Many titles have been given to her, to name just a few; “The Tornado," The Fastest Woman on Earth; "The Black Gazelle" and; "The Black Pearl". Wilma was one of the most famous alumni of Tennessee State University (TSU) and its “Tigerbelles”, the name of the TSU women's track and field program.

She won an Olympic bronze medal at the 1956 Melbourne Games in the Women’s 4 x 100 meters relay. She then went on amazingly to win gold medals at the 1960 Rome Olympic Games in the Women’s 100 meters, 200 meters and the 4 x 100 meters relay. Wilma’s phenomenal achievements at the 1960 Rome Olympics made her one of the most decorated female athletes of all time. Her time-enduring Olympic champion athlete status literally shattered longstanding gender barriers in previously “all-male” track and field events.

Wilma’s many awards are just a mere glimpse to her greatness which include, but not limited to, the following:

·         United Press Athlete of the Year 1960
·         Associated Press Woman Athlete of the Year 1960
·         James E. Sullivan Award for Good Sportsmanship 1961 *
·         The Babe Zaharias Award 1962
·         European Sportswriters' Sportsman of the Year *
·         Christopher Columbus Award for Most Outstanding International Sports Personality 1960*
·         The Penn Relays 1961 *
·         New York Athletic Club Track Meet *
·         The Millrose Games *
·         Black Sports Hall of Fame 1980
·         U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame 1983
·         Vitalis Cup for Sports Excellence 1983
·         Women's Sports Foundation Award 1984

*Indicates first woman to receive the award / invitation

From her humble beginnings in June 1940 in Clarksville, Tennessee, Wilma’s life journey is a testament to the human story of triumph over trials, tribulations and overcoming multitude of odds which often seem insurmountable.

It has been said that life is a great teacher, in that, often she gives the experience first, and then the lesson. For Wilma, her life was not only her experience, but, her gift to the world as it watched her in total awe on the world’s greatest athletics stage; the Olympic Games.

From being born premature with a weight of just 4.5 pounds, Wilma’s life challenges were not only to overcome racial segregation, but also, multiple illnesses ranging from measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox to double pneumonia. Moreover, once she was taken to a doctor for examination, wherein it was found that her left leg and foot were becoming weaker and deformed due to crippling and incurable polio, and that she would never walk again. With relentless time, energy, and efforts by her mother, over the course of two years, Wilma was able to continually walk with the support of a metal leg brace. Her family never gave up and helped in ongoing physical therapy, slowly but surely, she was able to gain strength. By the time she was 12 years old, Wilma started to walk normally with no crutches, brace, or corrective shoes. From that moment onwards, Wilma’s steady and heroic rise in the world of track and field is truly unbelievable and for the historians to be amazed.

In retrospect, it is truly amazing to sometimes look back over the last few decades and realize the advances in elite athletics. Multiple world records have been broken and remarkable times set. In addition, major media contracts, endorsements, and promotions are the mainstay. There have been also multiple doping scandals through Performance Enhancement Drugs (PED’s) and related. The sports world, however, has been very fortunate indeed that Wilma Rudolph has graced the multitude of stadiums in places such as; Tennessee, New York, Melbourne, and Rome.

Many more books may be written, motion pictures may be made, and commentaries given on Wilma Rudolph. Her true greatness is beyond just her many track and field races, Olympic gold medals, as well as accolades and awards. Wilma Rudolph’s legacy reminds us all that we come from various walks of life, multitude of circumstances, and challenges. Each and every one of us, with inner strength and courage, in the end must rise above and beyond, striving to achieve excellence in Sprit-Mind-Body. Life is more about what we truly achieve with what we are inherently endowed, and not so much which comes from external sources. Wilma Rudolph’s true greatness has, is, and continues to inspire generations as she is a role model and example for all on the journey of Life.



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